Saturday, October 11, 2008

a Porky snack

While checking out a customer at work yesterday, her item reminded me of something I saw in the vending machine at the airport in Atlanta, which I've kept on forgetting to tell friends back home about.

PORK RINDS/SKIN maybe to a number of you this isn't something new. But the thing is that all my life I only knew that pork rinds were only used in cooking and I have to say that I love eating them in soup or as one of the condiments in those stuffed dishes (stuffed tofu and vegetables with fish paste). So when I found them as snacks packed like what we typically call 'keropok' I was tempted to try them and yes I bought a packet of it before getting off yesterday.

I found two flavors - original and hot & spicy. I decided on hot & spicy (a mistake to buy when your in the states since it never really is spicy anyway) and just couldn't wait to get home and try it.

The verdict:

Not bad, nice and crunchy, but when they say salted they did however forget to mention how pretty much very salted it is. The additional hot & spicy flavor also didn't help much as what it mainly did was contribute more to the saltiness of it.

Now, I'm basically stuck with that huge pack of Pork Rinds snack. But for the sake of it, I would definitely buy a bag of it to bring home next summer just to give the people back home a try. And speaking about next summer, yeah it looks like that I'm pretty much heading back home to spend time with the family and Babes.

*Just in case they do sell this snack in Malaysia, bear with me because I've honestly never seen it before. Or have I been shopping and looking at the wrong place?*

2 Whispers:

Cris M said...

KEROPOK KULIT BABI????? BRing it back here!!!

Cynthia M said...

LOL...yes pus i'd definitely bring one back for you guys. Dulce was telling me that apparently it makes good pusas. LOL...looking forward to drinking with you guys again soon. Damn I miss Boy's bartending