Sunday, January 18, 2009


After a week of classes, I finally feel the semester kicking off. Work load has already begun the warm up to a really hectic semester ahead. Strange as it seems, the workload offers me a kind of comfort of being back to familiar grounds. After last semester, I pretty much feel that it's time to get my head back together and the winter break was the very thing I needed to just pull everything back into place.

So I'm honestly welcoming the whole pile of workload. I'm loving 3 of my classes this sem and I just can't wait to get rid of library and I'm pretty much using this long weekend to complete all 5 assignments. I just really hope I'm going manage doing it, because I still haven't looked at what's due for French. Hahahaha...this really can't be happening! It's only the first week and I'm already procrastinating? A resolution should be made even if it's late in the day.

I'm glad Zi Ting threw a party on Friday. It was just a good ending to the busy week and kickoff to the beginning of this semester. Now I just can't wait for the kari laksa dinner at Micky's. That's just going to be another yummy one. Micky always cooks the best food...hehehe...

0 Whispers: