Friday, February 27, 2009

Lazy Friday

I've been so swamped with work since my last entry and finally it's Friday (again) and this time knowing that there's no major tests or assignments within the next 2 weeks before Spring Break. So here I am on a very cold Friday evening, at my table, listening to Come What May - OST Moulin Rouge, blogging.

It's really been a crazy week; Down with the flu with three tests to study for, caught in an extremely long meeting and a four page long marketing essay to write on. So seriously, I am simply relieved that it's the weekend again. I know that I said I love being busy, which is of course true but of course that also includes having enough rest as well, which I've barely had since like in about 5 weeks. And for the past few days, I actually think that my body is giving in to tiredness because I've missed my alarm clock twice (an incoming text message could normally wake me up).

I really have no idea what I'll be doing this evening. Working on my assignments seem to just take the weekend mood away for tonight. I guess my next best option is to do one of my TV series marathon or get lost in that Nelson DeMille book I'm currently reading. Yeah...yeah...that sounds more like it...

*Stretches* to take a shower...

2 Whispers:

Theo.c said...

hoho damn chun song la that one :D

Cynthia M said...

Hahaha...yeah. that's why it's on my all time favorite list