Sunday, December 7, 2008


Finally something to shut me up. Hahaha...

I never realized this morning when I woke up that I lost my voice, mainly because there was nobody to talk to anyway. The only reason I found out was because I got a call from the Ames Police Alert about the murder that happened in West Ames this morning. My "hello" came barely above a whisper and I was practically horrified especially since I had to work. Though I have to admit not as horrified as the fact that I had to work until 5pm and come home when it's already dark with that murder story freaking me out. And yes before any of you say it out...I'm paranoid and I know it.

In the end I didn't work until 5pm since it was pointless to stay there and work when I could barely talk and I did need to talk to the customers. Drowning myself with hot peppermint and honey drinks was more because it tastes good although it did feel good on my throat. Plus it did help me get back at least 50% of my voice back. I came back home took a big sip on the cough syrup and took a nap (I love how those things make you drowsy).

Now hours later after not talking since I got home I realized my voice is gone yet again...darn!

0 Whispers: