Sunday, September 28, 2008

Busy bee weekend

Another busy weekend and another weekend to which I don't even have time to blog. I definitely need a course of time management which I would never attend anyway. LOL. I should be putting up my shopping pictures up soon, as well as our up to date activities. Maybe just put a slideshow on for it...maybe. 

Dance practices, quizzes, tests, work...argh!!!! Oh and this weekend includes my pledge induction to Alpha Kappa Psi. I feel so tired the whole weekend. Saturday I woke up to a headache, laughing at the thought that I was getting a hangover from my first 6 hours sleep in goodness knows how long. But come to think of it, I think it was from being lactose intolerant and drinking a whole tumbler full of rich and yummy chocolate milk. Sheesh...did I ever have to pay for that! My tummy was horribly painful the whole evening, plus I had to take an earful from Babes about being "smart" regarding my assumption of chocolate milk. 

Oh well...lesson learnt! I'm really missing Babes...and now I can't see him online for a really long time *pouts* 

Sigh...gotta get back to studying. !@#$% Test!

2 Whispers:

LadyAwaji said...

dance practice??? what dance??? seriously for class???

Cynthia M said...

traditional dance. for the malaysian cultural nite. omg...i dance so bad! hahaha...thank goodness none of you would be there to see it