Tuesday, September 16, 2008

From the table of the Procrastinator

Week 4 of classes and I'm now paying back for what I've done over the weekend. I'm totally swamped with work and now that I've started working too that means that I'm more tired out compared to the past 3 weeks.

On a lighter note, I HAVE A JOB! Pays good too. Better than what I would have expected. I just really hope I get to take over Arnold's shift on Saturday so I can earn more. I realize that working 5 hours still gives me time to spare. Besides if I do drop Anthro then I could still add 2 more hours. Sigh...I need money...money...money *sings Apprentice theme song*. Plus I also found this website that does paid online survey, by collecting points and exchanging them for money via PayPal, gift cert from Amazon and iTunes. No spam or selling your contact information to third parties too! It's basically a website that conducts survey on students of every level. Of course the survey is not always available but then occasional easy money is not one I would complain about!

So far the week has been really good. Bad Monday morning start I admit, but then I'm just glad that everything would just go smoothly. The weekend is bound to be busy with the possibility of work and meeting and on Sunday the shopping trip to Des Moines. I just hope it won't turn out to be another bad weekend, because honestly another bad one would turn into something really serious.


I had better get back to my workload again. An essay to finish, product mapping and maths to accomplish tonight. I'm just glad that there's no French class tomorrow and that I'm doing kinda good in it. Not bad for a person who before this only knew french from singing that Lady Marmalade song.

7 Whispers:

LadyAwaji said...

mmm... any cute french boi boi?

Cynthia M said...

well unfortunately it's french 101 so no french boi boi. damn!

Joe J Cheah said...

Whoa! sounds hard to be in school again. I think taking this year off has been a right choice for me. :)

Unknown said...

la la la... mana survey tu!?

Cynthia M said...

well yeah i guess taking the time off was the right choice joe =) but come to think about it...summer nearly killed me due to boredom!

by the way kellz...the survey is under surveyu.com it isn't always available so nope not much cash there only occasionally. knew you'd be interested. lolz

Cris M said...

have u tried out the survey cin? Do they really pay u??

Cynthia M said...

a'ah pus i've tried and yeah they did pay me. but it's not always available la that's the drawback but kalau sekali skala spend 10mins buli dapat $10 then sepa ndak mau kan?