Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I remember back in secondary school when I used to bellyache about the grading system being to high. When I moved to SFX I was beyond happy to find out that 46% was considered a pass. Few months later, I was again bellyaching about it still being to difficult to pass, especially for add maths to which I certainly had no hidden talents for.

Now that I'm in ADP, I would kick my old self for complaining so much about that grading system. I now consider that system a walk in the park considering with what I have to face now. I find myself half dead with ADP's grading system. 70% for a pass and 90% to get an A has simply left me breathless, chasing to even get the grades and making sure there aren't any potential hidden ones anywhere.

With assignment deadlines coming near, tests and more tests in the upcoming week, exams next month, PASS every week, I'm simply looking around for some spare time to take a break. If that simply cannot be achieved, I hereby promise myself to self-pampering once the exams are over.

P/S: I hope mother does come after my exams, so I can do the complete self-pampering package.

0 Whispers: