Saturday, May 3, 2008

Home Sweet Home...not!

I've been back home three days now, which means that I've finished my exams like a week ago. So now it's down to agonizing for the results of my very last finals in ADP. I must say though that I wasn't that stressed out for this exam as I was for the previous ones. I was actually kinda relaxed throughout the whole exam preparation period.
Anyway, back to the being home again. Who would have thought that this homecoming wasn't just accompanied by boredom but by food poisoning as well! The evening we arrived home, mom took my out for dinner at this new bak kut teh place which she promises is as good as the usual place we go to. Indeed it was not! That night I couldn't even sleep because of nausea and horrible tummy aches. Next day, I could barely pick up the phone to wake Kenny up let alone call him to ask how things were with the car. The body ache that accompanied the food poisoning was simply torture.
The whole day I was only drinking fluids and my first meal of the day was dinner. Despite finally being hungry, even that couldn't stay long in me. Thank goodness that today I'm at least sans body aches or I don't think I would have survived another day with it again.
So that's exactly how my homecoming this time has been. Boredom with a strong dose of food poisoning. Who says homecoming was always fun and delightful?

0 Whispers: