Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy 2 months anniversary

I've been so caught up with work, assignments, quizzes, and studies that if it wasn't for Ruey, I would have missed the mark of my two months being here in ISU. Has it really only been 2 months? It feels so much longer...

Here's the funny thing about time, it passes by so fast but yet a short time might also seem like an eternity. Last week I felt it pass by in a flash, but thinking about it in French class today, it felt like last Monday was really a long time ago. Not that I would have minded it seeming that way since it wasn't really a week I would like to put down as memorable. But the whole concept of time being both fast and infinity like simply eludes me. 

7 more months before I head home for the summer. I can't believe how much I'm looking forward to it. Before this summer, I didn't even plan to come back during breaks. Things really did change over the summer. Not on some miniscule scale but a really big change that it has changed my way of thoughts and me significantly. It's both nice and scary in a way, but I really think that the good far out weights the bad. It's made me less rigid to changes, and for the first time since I can't even remember how long, I'm more relaxed and less tensed. It's funny how things happen when you least expect it to, especially when you've practically carved your future plans in stone. But I've realized that there's no such thing about things being written in stone and that metaphor has simply faded to just words. So if anyone asks if I regret this summer, I would say...No. Yes the boredom of being next to unproductive was simply killing me, but on a personal level, I learned so much that I've no regrets whatsoever in deciding to take the summer off. 

I don't have any pictures to commemorate my two months here in ISU. This time, we let it slip away unlike our one month anniversary. All I have to remember this day by was to have a nice dinner for myself while watching my weekly TV show. But here are some pictures marking my one month in ISU. 

Ji-An and I while waiting for the bus home

Before heading off to Campus Town

0 Whispers: