Sunday, November 16, 2008

counting my blessings

We had dinner at church tonight for the early thanksgiving meal since everyone would be heading back home next week for the break. Sitting there with friends who have become family ever since I came to Ames, I've realized that despite everything that went terribly wrong and all the bad things that happened this week, I do in fact have a lot to be thankful about.

  1. I have my parents to be thankful to for giving me a chance to come here despite all those things in the past. Time and time again they push me to get the best out of me without ever getting tired of it.
  2. For Edz and Sam. Without them bugging my life, it would be pretty dull. Plus I love it when we're all home together and the three of us hang out and we torture Sam for being the baby of the family. Also without them I wouldn't have my guinea pigs for my kitchen experiments =)
  3. For having Donkey. For him always believing in me, especially when I don't believe in myself. And for him making me happiest than I've ever been in a very long time; plus for his tolerance for all my idiosyncrasies.
  4. My best friends back home. We've been through so much together since high school. Each bad things that happened only made us closer and stronger. You guys never judged despite not agreeing to the things I do as long as it was the one thing that made me happy.
  5. For friends, both new and old. You guys are the greatest things and I appreciate you guys being there for me especially during bad times. 
  6. For all the small things in life that seems so insignificant. Those were always the things that led to bigger ones.
I realize how short the list seems, yet they do mean a lot in my life. They're the things that I'm thankful to have. Of course I'm mostly thankful to God for sending me all the wonderful people and things into my life. But most of all for holding my hand this week when I felt that nothing could ever go right again. For listening and answering my prayers this week and calming my painful heart and putting a smile back to my face.

0 Whispers: