Saturday, January 31, 2009

Enlightening Night

So I know and am completely aware that it's a week past the due date to my promising to blog. In my defense, I was horribly busy last weekend and even the weekend didn't bring in the much needed sleep for me. But I have to say that it was well spent and as for sleep...nyeh!

Anyway the reason I'm spending my early Saturday morning is because I had a really enlightening educational experience last night (hahahaha...). We went to this somewhat what our mothers would call a "Tupperware" party. You know where they show all the latest tupperwares or maybe those new kitchen stuff get together they always have? Well this was certainly a get together at looking for new things but definitely not something for the household. Hahahaha...I'll leave the pictures as a clue.

Just some of the things that were on display for last night.'re not perfumes or body lotions. Well some of them are but hurm...continue to scroll down.

Yup! These were part of the stuffs too. Getting a bit more idea here *wink*. Nothing like vibrators and handcuffs to spice the bedroom scene huh???

Well here's a little something I'll leave to your imagination and guessing. Just feel free to guess and I'll see if you come up with the right answer.

This cute birdie thing doesn't only look cute, but serves a very fulfilling purpose too. LOL

And here we are with our penis shaped candies. They were mint flavored. Too bad there wasn't the boobies shaped ones last night.

A whip, handcuffs and penis pen tops. Who said deciding to stay in Friday night was necessarily boring anyway??

Chloe trying out one of the lingeries. And yeah they're over her clothes, but then they had a strict no trying policy and well if she had then there wouldn't be this picture.

So yup! That was Friday night for us girls. So much for saying that it was meant for studying. We stayed there until a little before midnight. I came back did a little studying but was started to fall asleep with my notes. So well that explains this really early saturday morning blogging.

0 Whispers: