Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Towards the end

So here I am, half asleep at 2am waiting for my all of a sudden retarded washing machine to finish my laundry. With nothing to do and denied this sleeping hour by the laundry, I realized how my time in ADP is fast coming to an end. Only a little more than a week left for me to spend time with my 'ADP Sayangs' before the exams and then our final goodbyes. Someone said today that 5 semesters in ADP is simply too long and boring. Yes I have to admit that it somehow is.

After being in ADP for 5 semesters, I simply feel trapped and confined within the 12th floor. Of course nothing beats the ADP life and there's no denying that, because if you haven't enjoyed your time in ADP then serious self-reflection is in need. But as time passes by things seem to repeat itself and you're left with the feeling that you want something new.

If you're wondering, yes I have discovered my something new, with enough time to enjoy it and later miss the good time without having tire of it. Something to think about and laugh along with all the other memories of ADP in later life.

Finally the laundry's done. I found out what went wrong and unfortunately the machine wasn't retarded after all. Much as I hate to admit, it was my fault after all. Which means I robbed myself from an hour of sleep. Darn!

0 Whispers: