Sunday, August 3, 2008

Batman - The Dark Knight

For those of you who are yet to watch the latest Batman movie, then you definitely should put it down on your must-watch-movie list. Then again, with it being top at the Box Office would obviously already put it down as almost everyone's must-watch-movies.

The movie gets into the fighting scene quite fast, which is a relief since most movies normally drag this part to begin somewhere in the middle of the movie. Then being the money lover I am (well I love money in a healthy enough way), I did feel the pinch to see the huge pile of money being burnt.

In a nutshell, the movie is very much a tribute to Heath Ledger. His role as the Joker was played to perfection, that it's such a sad waste that he passed away at the height of his acting career.

I just don't get why Batman talks in that raspy voice? Sure I read the article, but it was explained in such an unsatisfactory way. So yeah, if there's one thing I want explained about the movie it'll be about Batman's voice. And please don't say it's to hide his identity, that would just be too frustrating.

0 Whispers: