Friday, December 26, 2008

boxing day part 2

The shopping spree I had originally planned for Boxing Day went in a very different direction, especially since I only bought one piece of clothing. I did get my hair cut though, so that made me feel like I finally accomplished something. I've no idea how long have I been bellyaching about needing a hair cut especially my front hair and I finally got it done today. I don't even want to discuss the price, but I would say money well spent. Yes, I'm being a typical female here; going off to the hairdresser when being upset/bothered about something. After spending a couple of hours at the mall Michelle and I headed to WalMart, where we proceeded to get makeup. LOL!

Back home, we did what every normal girls do with their new haul. Try them on! In our case it would be the makeup. And yes we're VAIN! In a very nice way I would say. We were on our defense just making sure that we bought the right thing. Had dinner after all the make over, and when we were about to just wind down for the day, we had snowballs thrown to the apartment windows. Apparently Chee Bing bought a new toy gun and the guys decided to go outside to shoot at empty bottles. I have to say it was kinda hilarious looking at them shooting at the bottles in the cold.

So that's about all the things that happened on Boxing Day. Come to think about it...there really wasn't any interesting things going on unless you count the bad fog. Michelle and I joked about it being like the movie "The Mist". Well thank God it isn't (not that it's possible) and well we vote being stranded in Super WalMart if it ever did because at least there's food and change of clothes there.

Well yup no change in hairstyle to be honest. I did just say it was only a trim and to cut my front hair shorter. Didn't feel like wasting my curls away.

0 Whispers: